The Way I See Things

football, gaming, music, and life rants.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Past Glory

I recently finished the book "Gettysburg" and was left with an uneasy feeling about the whole Civil War. I understand that it was the bloodiest war ever fought by Americans and that every casualty was an American. It also opened my eyes to some of the hardships faced by the soldiers of both sides and the feelings felt by most of the men. There seemed to be very little hatred between the soldiers, more like a feeling of obligation to see this thing through to the end.

Throughout my teenage years, older guys always talked about being a rebel as something to be proud of and how "the south will rise again". But as I grow older and learn more I see it for what it really was. The leaders of the Confederate states decided to leave the republic and in doing so forced all the men currently serving in the US Army to make a fucked up decision.
Either abandon your honor and the Oath you gave to protect the republic, or abandon your home, your family and probably have to face friends and family on the field of battle. Being a rebel is not a reason to be proud. Being from the south is a reason to be proud. The south has a long tradition of raising gentlemen of all economic backgrounds. I am very glad to have been raised in the south.


Blogger Joe said...

FYI, the Civil War really didn't happen you know. It's a conspiracy fostered by the Republican Party to distract us from their ruinous policies that are dragging the country into a single corporation nation-state where they call get rich and we, the people, all work in their factories.

8:36 AM  

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